Continue Your Success — Through Any Market Condition

Helping ambitious home builders develop recession-proof, highly-profitable, industry-leading companies is our passion.

Business & Profit Management Icon, Bob Whitten (Managing Partner, SMA Consulting) brings the most ambitious home builders and some of the most proven industry experts together in Orlando for the 2025 Best Home Building Practices Summit.


Why Now? “The Times They Are a-Changin”

As Bob Dylan sang it, the marketplace is experiencing it. Good markets can create a false sense of security for home builders. It’s easy to appear like a top performer when interest rates are low and everybody is buying. Our industry experts will show you what you should be focusing on to maximize your revenue and profits, and to ensure that you succeed through all market conditions.

Metrics | Focus on Facts, Not Opinions

You can’t manage and improve what you don’t measure. That’s why this year, we’re helping builders put the tools in place to generate objective metrics for evaluating their success, not opinions or feelings. Metrics are unbiased, uncovering the good, the bad, and the ugly facts about where your business stands, and what you can improve upon.

Operational Focus | Focus on What You Can Control

You can’t control the market or your competition, but you can control your business. That’s why we’ve organize our Summit around the core operational components of a successful home building enterprise.

Proven Strategies | Focus on What Works, Not Experimentation

Experimentation can be costly. That’s why we exclusively invite the industry’s best to speak at the Best Home Building Practices Summit. The strategies and techniques you learn here will be battle-tested and proven-effective – we guarantee it.

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